What's behind the protest in the Arab world? Is it possible to reconfigure the region? A century ago the Western powers drew borders arbitrarily establishing monarchies that now it could change once again.
By Gabriel MartinReleased June 4, 2011
In the sundown of the Ottoman Empire in late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s, the Western powers redefined the map of North Africa and the Middle East on the boards of British Foreign Office and the French Foreign Ministry, detached in all cases from reality ethnic, political and demographic. The first half of this century seems headed for a new geopolitics, division and fragmentation of the region producing and promoting ethnic and religious rivalries.
At the request of the British Empire and Russia, in 1897 Greece declared war on the Ottoman Empire to claim the independence of Crete and Cyprus, while the Zar was proclaimed as protector of Orthodox Christians under Turkish rule, and France entered the war directly against Istanbul in 1860 to "protect" the Maronite Christians in Lebanon. Fearing to be left out of the deal, France and Britain authorizing Italy to occupy Tripoli in 1911 and Cirneaica inventing what now is known as Libya.
A few years later, Western powers shaped the map of the region, creating the dominant caste in the Arab world and drawing the borders of Iraq, Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Grand Syria included what now is Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, stretching from the Taurus Mountains in the north to Sinai, Egypt in the south, but in 1916, London and Paris decide a regional distribution: France took Lebanon and Syria, driving out to Faisal as Grand Syria’s Emir, while Britain took the part of Palestine and Jordan, naming Faisal himself as King of Iraq in 1921, unifying the Ottoman provinces of Baghdad, Mosul and Basra. In fact, Jordan was just a state on paper invented to connect Iraq to Palestine and Egypt, controlled by the British Empire.
The Maghreb (North Africa) was being looted since the nineteenth century. France occupied Algeria in 1830, considered a department with province status. At the Congress of Berlin in 1878, United Kingdom agreed to occupy Cyprus while France took Tunisia to keep the balance of power.
Ottoman provinces’ unification gave birth to Iraq, and it was replied by Italy in 1912 founding modern Libya by unifying Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. At the same year, the Treaty of Fez gave Morocco to France annexing protectorate status.
Without a doubt, the pillar that supports post-war Western presence in the region was the creation in the United Nations the State of Israel in 1948, which quickly began work to expand, even using the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population, which suffered a permanent denied their right to have their own state.
In the sundown of the Ottoman Empire in late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s, the Western powers redefined the map of North Africa and the Middle East on the boards of British Foreign Office and the French Foreign Ministry, detached in all cases from reality ethnic, political and demographic. The first half of this century seems headed for a new geopolitics, division and fragmentation of the region producing and promoting ethnic and religious rivalries.
At the request of the British Empire and Russia, in 1897 Greece declared war on the Ottoman Empire to claim the independence of Crete and Cyprus, while the Zar was proclaimed as protector of Orthodox Christians under Turkish rule, and France entered the war directly against Istanbul in 1860 to "protect" the Maronite Christians in Lebanon. Fearing to be left out of the deal, France and Britain authorizing Italy to occupy Tripoli in 1911 and Cirneaica inventing what now is known as Libya.
A few years later, Western powers shaped the map of the region, creating the dominant caste in the Arab world and drawing the borders of Iraq, Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Grand Syria included what now is Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, stretching from the Taurus Mountains in the north to Sinai, Egypt in the south, but in 1916, London and Paris decide a regional distribution: France took Lebanon and Syria, driving out to Faisal as Grand Syria’s Emir, while Britain took the part of Palestine and Jordan, naming Faisal himself as King of Iraq in 1921, unifying the Ottoman provinces of Baghdad, Mosul and Basra. In fact, Jordan was just a state on paper invented to connect Iraq to Palestine and Egypt, controlled by the British Empire.
The Maghreb (North Africa) was being looted since the nineteenth century. France occupied Algeria in 1830, considered a department with province status. At the Congress of Berlin in 1878, United Kingdom agreed to occupy Cyprus while France took Tunisia to keep the balance of power.
Ottoman provinces’ unification gave birth to Iraq, and it was replied by Italy in 1912 founding modern Libya by unifying Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. At the same year, the Treaty of Fez gave Morocco to France annexing protectorate status.
Without a doubt, the pillar that supports post-war Western presence in the region was the creation in the United Nations the State of Israel in 1948, which quickly began work to expand, even using the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population, which suffered a permanent denied their right to have their own state.
Ethnic and religious tensions: divide and conquer
Israel putted a wedge to split the Palestinian movement with a veiled support to publicly consider his worst enemy: the radical movement Hamas. The international support after decades of struggle had won the cause of the PLO, secular organization composed of Muslims, Christians and agnostics Palestinians, was overshadowed by successive waves of suicide attacks launched by Hamas.
The perpetual policy of expansion of Jewish settlements, despite the prohibitions of the UN and the Geneva Convention, including (and especially) during the peace talks, discredited in the opinion of millions of Palestinian refugees the Yasser Arafat's authority and PLO, and the only option came to radical alternatives of Hamas. Today, the micro-territories were Palestinians are jailed, West Bank and Gaza, are not even ruled by a single unified political force: while Fatah constitutes the Palestinian Authority in West Bank, Hamas leads Gaza with non-recognition of the popular votes by Israel and western powers.
Protests and riots in the Maghreb and Middle East have shot new religious tensions escalated, artificially created by the intelligence agencies. The CIA and MI6 performed a series of bombings in Iraq with agents disguised as Arabs against Shiite neighborhoods to exacerbate the differences in the Iraqi resistance; the most denounced the event as car bomb that killed 52 people on August 17, 2005 by British intelligence, with the intention of blaming the Sunni resistance. On July 9, 2006 an explosion at a Sunni mosque left 40 dead, endorsing the attack on a Shiite faction while all eyes fell on Western intelligence services.
In Egypt, the timing simply exposes the distortion of the ruling military junta, associated with the West to ensure the protection of the region, presenting to the world religious hatred that not exist.
The popular uprising that ended with Hosni Mubarak rule, but not his dictatorship, started in Tahrir Square on January 25, 2011. In October 2010, an unreal threat in that political moment, Al Qaedad announces that could launch terrorist attacks in Cairo.
Israel putted a wedge to split the Palestinian movement with a veiled support to publicly consider his worst enemy: the radical movement Hamas. The international support after decades of struggle had won the cause of the PLO, secular organization composed of Muslims, Christians and agnostics Palestinians, was overshadowed by successive waves of suicide attacks launched by Hamas.
The perpetual policy of expansion of Jewish settlements, despite the prohibitions of the UN and the Geneva Convention, including (and especially) during the peace talks, discredited in the opinion of millions of Palestinian refugees the Yasser Arafat's authority and PLO, and the only option came to radical alternatives of Hamas. Today, the micro-territories were Palestinians are jailed, West Bank and Gaza, are not even ruled by a single unified political force: while Fatah constitutes the Palestinian Authority in West Bank, Hamas leads Gaza with non-recognition of the popular votes by Israel and western powers.
Protests and riots in the Maghreb and Middle East have shot new religious tensions escalated, artificially created by the intelligence agencies. The CIA and MI6 performed a series of bombings in Iraq with agents disguised as Arabs against Shiite neighborhoods to exacerbate the differences in the Iraqi resistance; the most denounced the event as car bomb that killed 52 people on August 17, 2005 by British intelligence, with the intention of blaming the Sunni resistance. On July 9, 2006 an explosion at a Sunni mosque left 40 dead, endorsing the attack on a Shiite faction while all eyes fell on Western intelligence services.
In Egypt, the timing simply exposes the distortion of the ruling military junta, associated with the West to ensure the protection of the region, presenting to the world religious hatred that not exist.
The popular uprising that ended with Hosni Mubarak rule, but not his dictatorship, started in Tahrir Square on January 25, 2011. In October 2010, an unreal threat in that political moment, Al Qaedad announces that could launch terrorist attacks in Cairo.
On January 1rst, three weeks before the uprising, a suspected suicide bomber blew up in the New Year's Eve against a Coptic church in Alexandria, leaving 21 dead. Immediately Mubarak addressed the nation pointing to "a terrorist alien to us" [i]. In the following days there were attacks against the Shiite community in Egypt. In every case the regime blamed Salafist groups who seek to impose the ghost of a radical Islamic regime, which the Western media spread in the agenda [ii].
But the truth came out to light when the protesters attacked government buildings, finding governments documents that incriminates to the Egyptian armed forces in attacks on Coptic and Shiites religious minority, with the sole purpose of exacerbating the need to uphold secular dictatorship, supported by Israel and the United States to preserve the country of fundamentalism menace.
The killing of Bin Laden in Pakistan, one of the hottest regions in the Islamic world, a few meters beside a military base, may have another propose that finishing with the public face of Al Qaeda. Once main ally of U.S., Pakistan came into the eye storm (with Iran) as radical threat. And that operation shows again to the world that Washington would deploy their special forces openly where they want, regardless of any sovereignty.
But the truth came out to light when the protesters attacked government buildings, finding governments documents that incriminates to the Egyptian armed forces in attacks on Coptic and Shiites religious minority, with the sole purpose of exacerbating the need to uphold secular dictatorship, supported by Israel and the United States to preserve the country of fundamentalism menace.
The killing of Bin Laden in Pakistan, one of the hottest regions in the Islamic world, a few meters beside a military base, may have another propose that finishing with the public face of Al Qaeda. Once main ally of U.S., Pakistan came into the eye storm (with Iran) as radical threat. And that operation shows again to the world that Washington would deploy their special forces openly where they want, regardless of any sovereignty.
Israel, Saudi Arabia and U.S. comprised an axis to control the region.
The post-Mubarak Egyptian dictatorship junta use the fundamentalism menace to legitimized itself, and the first announce made by their own was to guarantee the gas supply to Israel, which depends on 40% of that source. On April 27, a curious anonymous group detonated a part of the pipeline whipping up fear of the Israeli population.
The keystone to explain the US-Israel-Saudi Arabia alliance is Iranophobia.
Bahrain is the most obscene sample to justify an intervention claiming a false religious tension. With 80% Shiite population, Bahrain’s Sunni monarchy is sustained by the Arabia’s ruling family, the al-Saud, and mainly by the presence of the United States Fifth Fleet in their harbor.
The Saudis have accused Iran of being behind the Shiite rebellion in Bahrain and sent armed forces to repress the demonstrators, with indiscriminate killings, and provoking a warmer climax of social rebellion.
Libya's civil war broke out with Anglo-French and American support to the al-Senussi, based in Benghazi, which claims the rights of the deposed pro-Western King Idris in 1969 by Muammar al-Gaddafi himself. In fact, with the direct intervention of the United States, France and Britain, Libya is split into a besieged Tripolitania while Cyrenaica has opened its doors to the oil and gas exports to Europe during the first weeks, months before of Gaddafi’s assassination.
As the West justified with zero evidence the Libya’s intervention to protect civilians (who moved to attack Gaddafi personally), in April 26 France warned that the UN could assess a Syrian military intervention to depose President Bashar al Assad. G-8, which calls for the Gaddafi’s fall and threatens Assad, announced in May 27 that Western powers seeks to promote democracy in the Arab world [iii] (although this does not apply).
The keystone to explain the US-Israel-Saudi Arabia alliance is Iranophobia.
Bahrain is the most obscene sample to justify an intervention claiming a false religious tension. With 80% Shiite population, Bahrain’s Sunni monarchy is sustained by the Arabia’s ruling family, the al-Saud, and mainly by the presence of the United States Fifth Fleet in their harbor.
The Saudis have accused Iran of being behind the Shiite rebellion in Bahrain and sent armed forces to repress the demonstrators, with indiscriminate killings, and provoking a warmer climax of social rebellion.
Libya's civil war broke out with Anglo-French and American support to the al-Senussi, based in Benghazi, which claims the rights of the deposed pro-Western King Idris in 1969 by Muammar al-Gaddafi himself. In fact, with the direct intervention of the United States, France and Britain, Libya is split into a besieged Tripolitania while Cyrenaica has opened its doors to the oil and gas exports to Europe during the first weeks, months before of Gaddafi’s assassination.
As the West justified with zero evidence the Libya’s intervention to protect civilians (who moved to attack Gaddafi personally), in April 26 France warned that the UN could assess a Syrian military intervention to depose President Bashar al Assad. G-8, which calls for the Gaddafi’s fall and threatens Assad, announced in May 27 that Western powers seeks to promote democracy in the Arab world [iii] (although this does not apply).
A New Middle East
The presumption of a new version of the Sykes-Picot agreement [iv] for another reconfiguration of the Middle East seems to accelerate destabilizing the region's richest non-renewable resource that will soon be exhausted and the main tactics of domination, as always, is division.
During a summit in Tel Aviv on July 25, 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert presented to the world the term "New Middle East" [v] in the context of military confrontation between Israel and Lebanon.
However, the professor of the University of Kashmir from India, Aijaz Wani, says the New Middle East plan was confirmation of a pact between the U.S., Britain and Israel to reconfigure a regional map creating instability, chaos and violence, which includes Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and of course, Iraq and Afghanistan, also expanding the area of NATO's action to the border with Pakistan [vi].
The chronology demonstrates the implementation of this plan in stages, that will reset the map so far known, is real.
Since the occupation of Iraq in 2003 was presented to the world a situation overwhelmed, not by the Western presence, but by a succession of attacks and reprisals between Shiite and Sunni communities (apparently non-existent during the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein), in addition to ethnic clash with the Kurds. The plan is the partition Iraq into three new countries, divided into northern Kurdish state also taking lands from Syria and Turkey where Kurdish separatist guerrillas are operating, a group who worked with the Mossad against Saddam Hussein. Another Sunni state at west Baghdad region, and third Shiite state with its capital in Basra, also taking territories at the expense of Arabia, Kuwait and Iran [vii].
This approach to partition of Iraq was presented by U.S. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, in his book "Never quit the fight" [viii], whose thesis is that after the fall of Baghdad, the Pentagon held a mistaken strategy of wanting to kill insurgents, when the real solution was precisely divide Iraq in three confessional states.
According to Peters, after the Kurdish cooperation with Israel and the United States, a free Kurdistan would be a unique opportunity to get the best partner among all the units ranging from Bulgaria to Japan, and it can also be presented as a human right.
If it sounds as a conspiracy the idea of drawing borders to create a country according to their religious demographics, just don’t forget that in January 2011 a referendum took place in Sudan to split the country in two impoverished with a Muslim north and Christian south. Sudan suffered more than two million deaths from ethnic and religious conflicts since 1984, and the United States carried out a roadmap for the political process that culminated in the referendum approved the secession. The head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate John Kerry (D), offered to remove Sudan from the list of countries supporting terrorism if the referendum finally took place [ix].
Finally, the referendum was held on January 9 and Sudanese Christians got their own state. And the 75% of Sudan's oil reserves.
However, the professor of the University of Kashmir from India, Aijaz Wani, says the New Middle East plan was confirmation of a pact between the U.S., Britain and Israel to reconfigure a regional map creating instability, chaos and violence, which includes Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and of course, Iraq and Afghanistan, also expanding the area of NATO's action to the border with Pakistan [vi].
The chronology demonstrates the implementation of this plan in stages, that will reset the map so far known, is real.
Since the occupation of Iraq in 2003 was presented to the world a situation overwhelmed, not by the Western presence, but by a succession of attacks and reprisals between Shiite and Sunni communities (apparently non-existent during the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein), in addition to ethnic clash with the Kurds. The plan is the partition Iraq into three new countries, divided into northern Kurdish state also taking lands from Syria and Turkey where Kurdish separatist guerrillas are operating, a group who worked with the Mossad against Saddam Hussein. Another Sunni state at west Baghdad region, and third Shiite state with its capital in Basra, also taking territories at the expense of Arabia, Kuwait and Iran [vii].
This approach to partition of Iraq was presented by U.S. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, in his book "Never quit the fight" [viii], whose thesis is that after the fall of Baghdad, the Pentagon held a mistaken strategy of wanting to kill insurgents, when the real solution was precisely divide Iraq in three confessional states.
According to Peters, after the Kurdish cooperation with Israel and the United States, a free Kurdistan would be a unique opportunity to get the best partner among all the units ranging from Bulgaria to Japan, and it can also be presented as a human right.
If it sounds as a conspiracy the idea of drawing borders to create a country according to their religious demographics, just don’t forget that in January 2011 a referendum took place in Sudan to split the country in two impoverished with a Muslim north and Christian south. Sudan suffered more than two million deaths from ethnic and religious conflicts since 1984, and the United States carried out a roadmap for the political process that culminated in the referendum approved the secession. The head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate John Kerry (D), offered to remove Sudan from the list of countries supporting terrorism if the referendum finally took place [ix].
Finally, the referendum was held on January 9 and Sudanese Christians got their own state. And the 75% of Sudan's oil reserves.
Lebanon relived political chaos after the fall of the government when Hezbollah withdraw their ministers out the cabinet[x]. The country has share confessional system of government designed by France in 1926 but it no longer respects the actually demographic proportions. By law, the president must be a Christian Maronite, with a Sunni Muslim prime minister, and President of the Senate must be Shiite Muslim. The country had experienced a period of political stability and unprecedented economic growth until July2006, when was abruptly interrupted with the outbreak of war with Israel.
The cover operation against Lebanon actually began a year before the war with Israel. On February 14, 2005 a car bomb killed Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, ending the period of fifteen years of peace and prosperity after a bloody civil war of 1975-1990. The TV network Al Jazeera broadcasted a video received from an anonymous and unknown syrian-lebanese group self called Support and Jihad taking responsibility of the assassination.
Five years later, in a curious move, the son of the victim and Prime Minister Saad Hariri, blamed Hezbollah to the UN tribunal investigating the attack. The Shiite group retired to the ministers of government and law, this stops working.
But who was behind Hariri's assassination? Who benefited?
In fact, the United States was pushing hard on Syria to force their withdraw of its military presence in Lebanon, cut political ties with Hezbollah and close Palestinian political representation offices in Damascus. Then Washington withdrew its ambassador from the Syrian capital.
Israel, who menace southern Lebanon (because of the invasion of 1982 births Hezbollah as resistance movement), blamed Syria. But Hariri, whom had Saudi passport, always had understanding with Syrian President. Bashar al Assad quickly condemned the crime.
Blaming Hezbollah in Lebanon is the same that to blame Syria, and most important, targeting Iran.
In that confuse context, a key episode took place: a platoon of Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah and 2006 war start between Israel and Lebanon. Thus, growing pressure on Syria to declare illegal the Shiite militia and withdraw its troops from Lebanon, who were the only palliative to deter Tel Aviv for a full invasion Tel Aviv, and used for Israel as pretext to keep occupied the Golan Heights.
When the protest outbreak through the Arab world, U.S. and Europe doesn’t say a word about the criminal repression in Bahrain by the Saudis, they focus the pressure over Libya and Syria.
On 27 May, the G-8 said he was "horrorized" [xi] by the repression in Syria and maintained the official U.S. position that Assad should accelerate the "democratic transition" and leave the power, according to textual words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had suggested a month ago the possibility of military intervention in Syria just like the same characteristics to those in Libya.
In order to quell the protests, on June 3, Assad called on the opposition to dialogue, including all political and religious factions in the country. But the antigovernment movement expanded the escalating protests [xii].
Are spontaneous the uprisings in the Arab world? There is no denying the popular indignation torch societies under perpetuated regimes and supported by the West, implemented very tough concessions and privatization plans of services and wealth, accompanied by a brutal crackdown on political dissent, which was presented to the world as a fundamentalist outbreak to warrant further action.
The cover operation against Lebanon actually began a year before the war with Israel. On February 14, 2005 a car bomb killed Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, ending the period of fifteen years of peace and prosperity after a bloody civil war of 1975-1990. The TV network Al Jazeera broadcasted a video received from an anonymous and unknown syrian-lebanese group self called Support and Jihad taking responsibility of the assassination.
Five years later, in a curious move, the son of the victim and Prime Minister Saad Hariri, blamed Hezbollah to the UN tribunal investigating the attack. The Shiite group retired to the ministers of government and law, this stops working.
But who was behind Hariri's assassination? Who benefited?
In fact, the United States was pushing hard on Syria to force their withdraw of its military presence in Lebanon, cut political ties with Hezbollah and close Palestinian political representation offices in Damascus. Then Washington withdrew its ambassador from the Syrian capital.
Israel, who menace southern Lebanon (because of the invasion of 1982 births Hezbollah as resistance movement), blamed Syria. But Hariri, whom had Saudi passport, always had understanding with Syrian President. Bashar al Assad quickly condemned the crime.
Blaming Hezbollah in Lebanon is the same that to blame Syria, and most important, targeting Iran.
In that confuse context, a key episode took place: a platoon of Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah and 2006 war start between Israel and Lebanon. Thus, growing pressure on Syria to declare illegal the Shiite militia and withdraw its troops from Lebanon, who were the only palliative to deter Tel Aviv for a full invasion Tel Aviv, and used for Israel as pretext to keep occupied the Golan Heights.
When the protest outbreak through the Arab world, U.S. and Europe doesn’t say a word about the criminal repression in Bahrain by the Saudis, they focus the pressure over Libya and Syria.
On 27 May, the G-8 said he was "horrorized" [xi] by the repression in Syria and maintained the official U.S. position that Assad should accelerate the "democratic transition" and leave the power, according to textual words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had suggested a month ago the possibility of military intervention in Syria just like the same characteristics to those in Libya.
In order to quell the protests, on June 3, Assad called on the opposition to dialogue, including all political and religious factions in the country. But the antigovernment movement expanded the escalating protests [xii].
Are spontaneous the uprisings in the Arab world? There is no denying the popular indignation torch societies under perpetuated regimes and supported by the West, implemented very tough concessions and privatization plans of services and wealth, accompanied by a brutal crackdown on political dissent, which was presented to the world as a fundamentalist outbreak to warrant further action.
But the U.S. and Europe, after decades of control the economy of these countries decided to move to the next stage to redefine the borders of the Maghreb and the Middle East, and thus began to emerge from the former ruling partners.
The reporter Ron Nixon published in the New York Times an article that told how, while the state earmarked billions in military aid and counter-terrorism in the Arab regimes, a wide range of foundations and NGOs funded by the government itself conducive to the antigovernment movement region [xiii].
According to declassified wires by Wikileaks, Ron Nixon verified that the IRI (International Republican Institute), the National Democratic Institute, the Foundation for Human Rights, Freedom House and the NED (National Endowment Democracy), had supported a number of organizations in Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Libya with money and training policies for the democratization of their countries.
Note that the NED is a CIA front (denounced by former members of central intelligence as such) was directly involved in the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and in the attempted coup and assassination of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in April 2002. The NED Congress manages a budget of U.S. $ 100 million dealing in foundations and NGOs around the world to "promote democracy". Following the meeting of G-8 in Deauville, France, French president Nicolas Sarkozy announced that the powers will support the "Arab Spring" with 40,000 million dollars, divided by 50% in bank loans and multilateral agencies that do not include the IMF, a 25% in bilateral agreements of the G8 and the remaining 25% provided by Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia [xiv].
During December 3-5, 2008 held in New York City the Summit of the Alliance of Youth Movements [xv], attended by groups of young Egyptians, which were received training in the use of social networking sites and mobile technologies to promote democracy. Among the sponsors who funded the event were the Department of State, Columbia Law School, MTV, Youtube, Facebook and Google. As Barack Obama said in his speech on changes in the region: "It is no coincidence that one of the leaders of Tahrir Square has been an executive of Google" [xvi], referring to Wael Ghonim, Google marketing manager for Middle East was a nexus of Western Media and Egyptian protesters using Facebook and Twitter.
Obviously it is not coincidence.
The reporter Ron Nixon published in the New York Times an article that told how, while the state earmarked billions in military aid and counter-terrorism in the Arab regimes, a wide range of foundations and NGOs funded by the government itself conducive to the antigovernment movement region [xiii].
According to declassified wires by Wikileaks, Ron Nixon verified that the IRI (International Republican Institute), the National Democratic Institute, the Foundation for Human Rights, Freedom House and the NED (National Endowment Democracy), had supported a number of organizations in Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Libya with money and training policies for the democratization of their countries.
Note that the NED is a CIA front (denounced by former members of central intelligence as such) was directly involved in the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and in the attempted coup and assassination of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in April 2002. The NED Congress manages a budget of U.S. $ 100 million dealing in foundations and NGOs around the world to "promote democracy". Following the meeting of G-8 in Deauville, France, French president Nicolas Sarkozy announced that the powers will support the "Arab Spring" with 40,000 million dollars, divided by 50% in bank loans and multilateral agencies that do not include the IMF, a 25% in bilateral agreements of the G8 and the remaining 25% provided by Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia [xiv].
During December 3-5, 2008 held in New York City the Summit of the Alliance of Youth Movements [xv], attended by groups of young Egyptians, which were received training in the use of social networking sites and mobile technologies to promote democracy. Among the sponsors who funded the event were the Department of State, Columbia Law School, MTV, Youtube, Facebook and Google. As Barack Obama said in his speech on changes in the region: "It is no coincidence that one of the leaders of Tahrir Square has been an executive of Google" [xvi], referring to Wael Ghonim, Google marketing manager for Middle East was a nexus of Western Media and Egyptian protesters using Facebook and Twitter.
Obviously it is not coincidence.
[i] AFP, 01/01/2011, “Atentado contra cristianos en Egipto deja 21 muertos y 79 heridos”.
[iv] Secret agreement signed in 1916 by Sir Mark Sykes, representing Britain and François Georges-Picot Charles of France to the Middle East division.
[vii] Pulitzer Prize Seymour Hersh claimed that Mossad trained Kurdish militias operating in Iraq, Turkey and Iran, where even raided over nuclear plants.
[viii] Ralph Peteres, “Never quit the fight”, Stackpole Books, 2006.
[xii] Prensa Latina, 06/03/2011 “Gobierno sirio insiste en diálogo, pero oposición extiende protestas”.
[xiii] Ron Nixon, “U.S. groups helped nurture arab uprisings”, New York Times, 04/14/2011.
[xiv] Reuters, 27/05/2011, “Sarkozy says G8 back $40 billion Arab Spring aid”
[xvi] Voice of America, 05/19/2011, Barack Obama's full speech.
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